
History of Pandan

Pandan was founded in 1654 by three pioneers namely Agustin Togon, Agustin Lomayas, and Francisco Javier. They first founded the village at Dalipi, a hilly place north of the present town because there they could see the raiding vintas of the Moros. But as time went on, they found out that the place was not secure for it is far from a thick forest where they could hide in case of the raid. So they transferred the village site to Laguinbanua. There they built a watchtower.

When the more depredations subsided, the people decided to transfer the site near the seacoast, the place where Pandan now stands. Still apprehensive of possible more attacks, the people built another watchtower near the beach. The ruins of the tower are still there today.

During the march of centuries, the town has been the birthplace of illustrious men. Not to exaggerate and to brag on the contributions of Pandan to the social and political make-up of the province, it is safe to say that this little town cannot be behind in culture.

During the Occupation, Pandan Bay had been the focal point in the attack of Japanese forces because it had been the landing place of submarines that brought war supplies to the guerilla forces of Panay, Negros, Luzon and Mindanao. Thus the bay has been known not only in the whole Philippines but in America and Japan just as well, and presumably it is known throughout the world.

Brief Story about the origin of the name Pandan

The official name of the present municipality of PANDAN, Province of Antique, Panay, Philippine Island was adopted in the year 1654 from the Spanish noun “PAN” meaning bread, and from the demonstrative pronoun in the Visayan “DAN” which in Spanish signifies “Ese” meaning “THAT”. The name was acquired by the natives of Pandan in 1654 when the Spanish colonialists landed in this town and asked from the natives any food they could give. One of the natives offered a basket of camote (sweet potato) saying in the local dialect “Dan” (that), pointing to the basket. When the Spaniards took it, one exclaimed “Pan!” So when the natives heard it, they propagated the term, from which the name of the town PANDAN derived.