
Pandan Wet Market, Pandan, Antique, 2010 Photos

I rarely went to the wet market in Pandan, Antique but I wanted to take some pictures of the wet market so I could post a few photos here. Pandan Wet Market has been improved several times but it seemed to me like it never really changed. It was still the same just like I remember it when I was still young.

I was not able to really take a lot of photos though because I also went there to buy some fish, fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, I was not able to take photos at the fish section as I was busy looking what to buy. Some fish vendors sold the fish to me at a lower price because they already wanted to go home.

In a way, they would rather sell to me the fish at a lower price than not to sell them at all. Well, for one thing, it was already late. Going to the wet market at 11:00am was too late. People in Pandan go very early in the morning to the wet market to buy fish and meat even fruits and vegetables.

You might not be able to buy that much if you go to the wet market late but I guess I was just “lucky” that I was still able to buy fresh fish, fruits and vegetables.

Photos of the Pandan Wet Market were taken by Sofie Hofmann ( between 11:08am and 11:25am in Pandan, Antique, Philippines on May 09, 2010.

Photos | Monday, August 30, 2010 @ 6:35 pm by