
Dried Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, Pandan Wet Market, Pandan, Antique, 2010 Photos

So what can we buy inside Pandan Wet Market? A lot of things actually, from fresh foods such as fish, meat, fruits, vegetables among others to dry goods. It was quite warm so I was not able to take a lot of photos. What you see on the pictures are just few of the products being sold inside Pandan Wet Market.

I almost bought everything that was shown on the pictures. Not all, of course, a kilo of this and that just to satisfy my cravings for such kind of food that I really missed eating.

I am sure you are missing them too. 🙂

Photos inside Pandan Wet Market were taken by Sofie Hofmann ( between 11:08am and 11:25am in Pandan, Antique, Philippines on May 09, 2010.

Photos | Thursday, September 2, 2010 @ 11:48 pm by