
National Election Day, Pandan, Antique, 2010 Photos

Pandan, Antique was peaceful during the National Election Day in the Philippines on May 10, 2010. It was the first electronic voting in the Philippines. There were some problems during the day with some of the machines at the voting precincts in some of the barangays but they were resolved too.

Some of the pictures were taken while waiting for the results of the national election. We waited at one of the voting precincts in Pandan Central School.

We just went home after hearing the partial election results. The streets were really quiet.

Photos during National Election Day were taken by Sofie Hofmann ( between 5:26pm and 7:02pm in Pandan Central School and at 7:47pm in front of the Municipal Hall, Pandan, Antique, Philippines on May 10, 2010.

Photos | Monday, September 27, 2010 @ 11:55 am by